Monday, August 29, 2011

Day - 514

Revisions, Revisions, Revisions

I finished working on some edits/revisions that I got from my editor on "Crush." Who knew that making revisions would actually be harder than writing scenes in a novel? In any case, I e-mailed the revised manuscript to my editor and am anxiously waiting for her feedback.

So now what?

Although "Circled Bow" is complete story wise, I haven't gone through to do a general proof/edit on it. If I begin working on that today, I should be able to knock that out by the end of the week. If I finish early I'm going to get started on beefing up my outline for my next novel "Jury Duty." I also need to begin working on my research. "Jury Duty" is going to be a very challenging book. I believe that the concept and twists are unique and will push me as a writer.

I've created a Facebook author page and have been posting excerpts from my novels. I will be starting some contests and giveaways to help promote my writing and to get my name out there. Stay tuned for more updates and tell a friend about my writing if you like it. It would be much appreciated.

I write because I care and drugs are bad.

Can I Get Published In A year

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day - 500

Summertime Update

I haven't updated the blog in quite some time. Oops. So what have I been doing with my time since the last update? A lot. I've done some more studying on writing structure, techniques, etc. I've also completed my fourth manuscript, "Circled Bow," which is part of the "Bow" series. I started writing that book on 7/8/11 and finished with 72K words on 8/8/11. Not too shabby at all.

I've also secured a local editor to help me edit "Crush." The name of my editor's company is The Tempered Quill. Sarah H. is a great editor and she has a lot of unique ideas when it comes to working on developmental edits. Her high attention to detail is unparalleled. If anyone needs an editor, let me know and I can help you get in touch with her.

What else have I been doing? Oh yeah, I went to this little event called The Ragged Edge with Ted Dekker, Tosca Lee, Steven James, Eric Wilson, and Robert Liparulo. Driving 36 hours from Oregon to Franklin, TN was a blast. The conference was life changing. I can't adequately put into words how inspired and encouraged I was to be in a room with such creative individuals.

So fresh on the heels of completing my fourth manuscript in just over a year, having obtained the services of a professional editor, and having been inspired by Ted Dekker and friends, I am ready to move into the next phase in my writing. I'm going to work on the edits for "Crush" and get those ready to send to some local publishers. I'm also going to submit "Seized" (formerly "Untitled") as well to see if I get any bites.

I've got outlines ready for two new books. The first is called "Jury Duty" and while I can't elaborate a lot on this book, I can say that it is going to be the most involved, unique, and twisted book that I have written. The following book is called "60 Days" and it is a love story told from two different perspectives. Vague much? :)

There's a new Facebook Fan Page that I've created. Tell a friend, your mailman, your dog's hairstylist, anybody you know to check it out.

Can I Get Published In A Year

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day - 370

Challenge Complete???

I was able to finish the rough draft of "Untitled" on March 31st, the day before my deadline. Now all that is left is to edit this bad boy and then send it off to for self-publishing.

Looking back on the last year, I will admit that I am surprised that I was able to write three novels. I don't know how to write and I don't have any writing training. I do know that writing is something that I love to do and I enjoy it immensely. I think that with time and practice, my writing will only get better. Do I think the three novels that I've written can stand up to books on the NYT's best seller list? Absolutely not! Do I think that the novels I've written show potential? Absolutely!

So in the words of the band Pillar, I will ask the question..."Where do we go from here?"

The answer to that is...forward!

I am going to continue to write and for kicks, I will continue to post updates on the blog. If I was able to get a foundation for writing in just one year, I wonder what will happen in another year? Maybe I will get to take some writing classes? Maybe I'll find an editor? Maybe I'll get some rejection letters from publishers?

I do know that I am in this for the long haul. I'm humbled and comforted by the stories of famous authors like Ted Dekker who struggled before getting published. Also, stories like Jenna Black's give me some confidence. Jenna Black wrote for 17 years without getting published.

So here is my game plan peeps! I'm going to finish editing "Untitled" and then send it off to for self-publishing. Then, I'm going to take the three novels, "Crush," "Red Bow," and "Untitled," and send the manuscripts to local publishers. The worst they can say is they don't want to publish it. The whole point of sending those to publishers is to take a step in the right direction of breaking into the writing game.

Yesterday, I thought of where I want to take the third book in the "Bow" trilogy. Then, I want to either tackle an intense thriller/mystery book that I have an outline for, or a drama/love story type of book I have an outline for.

So here is to another year of progress and unforeseen events.

I write because I care and drugs are bad.

Can I Get Published In A Year

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day - 343

Where You Been Hiding Dude???

It has been a little over a month since I've updated the blog. I will admit that my day job has kept me pretty occupied. However, I've still managed to do a little bit of writing. Not as much as I've wanted, but it's still something. So where am I at you ask?

45,264 words

That means I'm over half way done. I have a shade over 24K words left to write. Time wise, I only have 22 days left to get this finished to meet my goal. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't feeling the pressure. I'm so close to the finish and the only thing that can get in my way right now is work. If I stick to my daily writing goal, I can get the rough draft finished in 12 days and have 10 days to edit.

I'm in the homestretch, so let's see if I can make it to the finish line.

Can I Get Published In A Year

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day - 313

Making Progress

So I've made some decent progress with "Untitled" and was able to write my 2K words/day last week - except on 2 days. I'm confident that I'll be able to make up those 4K words this weekend. Alright, so where does that leave me progress wise???

14,845 words
44 Pages

That is decent progress and if I continue to write 2K words/day, I will be very close to meeting my goal. Now, I should probably mention that for "Untitled," I have done a lot of research into geography, foreign languages, and special branches of the government. The end result should be a book that is factually (is that a word?) sound. I'm taking special care with the environment, which is Seattle. I want the locations to be spot on and accurate.

I've introduced four new characters and am getting a big kick out of how they're interacting with the main characters in the story. As far as the plot goes, I honestly believe that this story will have the most sound and developed plot that I've written so far. My previous two books had plots that were ok, but could have been a lot better. That is not only my personal opinion, but it is also direct feedback from people who have read the books. In any case, I'm working hard to make sure that this story will contain the best writing that I've ever written. I'm pushing myself even more than I did with Red Bow to be more creative and make my sentences more concise and descriptive.

Can I Get Published In A Year

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day - 305

The Final Act

I will admit that the last three weeks have been a blur. Between going out of town, work, and editing/formatting Red Bow, I haven't been able to update the blog as regularly as I would like to. However, the takeaway from the whirlwind that was the last three weeks is that Red Bow has been self published on My copy arrives on Friday. Since Crush and Red Bow are now done, that means that it's time to get started on "Untitled."

I have 60 days left until my one year deadline. This is the goal that I am setting for myself:

50 days to write
10 days to edit and then publish on Lulu

If I keep the pace I was using for Red Bow of writing at least 2000 words per day, I should easily hit this goal. In fact, I will hit that goal on day 35. The target is 70,000 words or more for "Untitled."

I have outlined the first three chapters for "Untitled" and will begin writing today after work. I'm excited because I think that this book is going to be some of the best writing that I've ever written. I have a solid understanding of where the plot needs to go and I will be focusing a lot more on developing the plot line and making sure it doesn't have any holes.

So what do you think blog readers? Do you think I can hit this lofty goal?

I write because I care and drugs are bad.....

Can I Get Published In A Year

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day - 284

Awww snap!

Guess who finished writing Red Bow 2.0 this morning? I reached my 70K word goal and also reached my page goal of 250. I am now going to start the self-editing and revising process. This is a huge personal accomplishment for me and I'm so elated that I finished it. I think that I was able to make the story better in a lot of ways. I've also set the groundwork for tying into "Untitled," which I've already started outlining, with continuous plot lines.

Oh yeah, the new ending....psssh, you will never figure it out! Just remember, Bow will always find you, so be on the lookout.

Can I Get Published In A Year